The magical sound bath experience, was exactly what I needed that day to bring me back home to myself and to recenter my being. – Read More Testimonials
How Can We Use Sound to Heal?
According to Quantum physics, everything is in a state of vibration, and everyone has their own unique vibrational sound. This sound is balanced within the body and is in harmony with our physical, emotional, and spiritual being.
Just like a 4-part singing harmony can fall flat or come out of sync if one person doesn’t do their part, the vibrational field can also fall out of harmony if everything is not working together.
Stress, trauma etc. can cause energetic blockages or disturbances in the body. This causes the body to vibrate at a lower frequency. It can also send it into overdrive where everything is magnified. (agita) If left untreated it can cause dis-ease in the physical body leading to illness.
Sound Healing is a Holistic practice that uses sound, meditation and intention to effect positive changes in a person’s spirit, mind and body.
Today science is finally meeting sound to create some life altering treatments to help people who are hurting.
Sound and vibration can be used alone or with other modalities, such as breathwork, Reiki or Prayer to reset, retune, and return our bodies back to a state of equilibrium and balance.
Sound is like water, flowing in waves and looking for any opening to gain entry. This connects on a cellular level, allowing the sounds and tones to penetrate deep into the body, find an opening and going exactly where needed to heal and restore. Once inside, sound waves flow, erode and remove any stuck energy or blockages.
Nature hates a vacuum. It wants to fill it. So, when negative energy is dispersed, that leaves an opening for something good, positive, and healing to fill it.

Sound Healing Benefits:
- Stress and Anxiety Relief
- Deep Relaxation
- Better Sleep
- Chakra Balance and Alignment
- Peaceful Mood, Sense of Bliss
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Calms the Nervous System
- Connection to Spirit
- Increased Creativity
- Pain Relief
- Balanced Mood
- Energized Spirit, Mind and Body
- Empowerment
- Release Past Trauma
- Clear mind
Sound Healing uses sound and vibration to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), which relaxes the body, slows heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and activates healing in the body.
A sound bath is a sound healing experience that leads one into a state of relaxation with the healing sounds of metal bowls, crystal bowls, drums, chimes and various other instruments including the voice itself. Clients are “bathed” in sound and vibration.
During a VST session singing bowls are placed directly on the body and tapped methodically with a mallet. The resulting vibrations penetrate deeply into the body. The sound spreads like waves, similar to the waves created when a pebble is dropped in water. These waves then travel through the body creating an internal massage that invokes a deep state of relaxation allowing one to release stress and anxiety and creates an environment where healing can begin within the spirit, mind and body.
Each person will experience a session differently, but one can expect transformation and change as we are working deeply to shift and balance energy. You will also feel deeply relaxed, peaceful and revived.
Regular sessions of 1 -2 per month are recommended since the effects of Sound Healing are cumulative. Intervals may also be increased or decreased depending on your needs. Discount packages are available.
Yes, Bowls will not be placed directly on your body. They will be placed adjacent to your body.
Yes, I can tailor a session specific to you and your needs.
Arrive 5 minutes early to your session to discuss your needs. Bring with you an open mind ready to receive. Think about what you would like to work on and set an intention. Do not eat a large meal before a session. Wear comfortable clothing. These guidelines apply to both in-person and virtual sessions.
Drink plenty of water. It is important to flush any toxins that are released during and after a session. Energy work and Sound Healing continue even after you leave the session, therefore you may feel a healing response as your body continues to heal. You may feel exhilarated after your session, or you may experience waves of emotion. It is important to let your body feel all the feels. Journal your experience and your feelings.