Shelley Snail Sees Sounds (Paperback)

Shelley Snail Sees Sounds (Paperback)


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A cute book about a special snail that teaches kids about being different and accepting themselves as they are.

Your child will learn and understand that each person is unique, and our differences are what makes each of us special. We must accept ourselves and others as they are. We all matter.

This beautifully illustrated, rhyming picture book, introduces your child to Shelley snail. All of the other snails make fun of Shelley because she is different. But when Arlo, the class pet goes missing, Shelley uses her talent to come to the rescue.

Themes represented in this book include, diversity, kindness, anti-bullying, self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance.

This book is perfect for children preschool through grade 3. It can be used by parents and teachers to talk about what is like to be different, the importance of kindness, what happens when you accept your unique gifts and imparting the concept that we all matter.


I absolutely love Shelley the snail! A sweet story of a sweet snail full of encouragement for kids to be proud of their individual attributes and gifts and not to feel that they should shy away from others if feeling different. A children’s story demonstrating that uniqueness is in fact a superpower! KLL- Germany

This book truly is a labor of love! I am a counselor and will keep this book in my office! I’m sure I’ll be buying more copies to hand out as well! So fun and yet such an important message! A children’s book, but I think adults will find the message valuable as well! -TC

Shelley Snail Sees Sound, a charming kids book, brings together both mental creative awareness and the message that “we all matter” into the children’s world perspective! A must read for our children, they might be suffering silently! This beautiful and necessary message is uplifting for all, excluding no one! -MM

A simple rhyme with a powerful message. Cute characters with vibrant colors. I’m expecting my third grandchild and bought a copy for him. His very own first book of, ” You are Special”. I’m buying another copy for my 3 year old grand niece. She is going for open heart surgery in January. Thank you. -GK

This is a beautifully written book that helps children see how to embrace their own differences and those of others. I loved it and would highly recommend!! -PS

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Matthew 11:28-30